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Pope Francis: to Holy Land Custody, “persevere gladly” in helping local Christian communities

papaUdienzaPiazzaSanPietro foto SIR Marco CalvareseAn encouragement to support local ecclesial communities and gratefulness for the work of contemplation, research and study of archaeological evidence and for accompanying pilgrims: this is the content of the letter that Pope Francis has sent to the Custos of the Holy Land, Father Francesco Patton, to mark the 800 years of the Franciscan presence in the Holy Land. The letter was delivered by the prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, Card. Leonardo Sandri, who is visiting the Holy land from 16 to 21 October on the occasion of the celebrations for the anniversary, during the Pontifical Mass at which he presided this morning at the Church of Saint Saviour in Jerusalem.

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