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Ecumenical Patriarch: Russia is trying to partition Ukraine and annex its eastern part

maria gigliBishop Michael of Cumans, Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Kiev, clergymen from abroad, Archons Offikialioi, faithful from Constantinople and a large group of pilgrims from Athens were in attendance.

Afterwards, in his speech in the Community Hall, the Ecumenical Patriarch referred to today’s 50th anniversary of the demise of the late Patriarch Athenagoras:

“Our celebration this year here in Kontoskali is also indissolubly linked to our illustrious Predecessor, Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras. Today marks exactly fifty years since his passing away. What can we first remember about this great ecclesiastical personality, who adorned the all-glorious Ecumenical Throne for twenty-four consecutive years, and from whose honourable hands we were blessed to receive the title of “Teacher of Orthodox Theology”, upon our graduation from the prestigious Theological School of Halki in 1961, and later the title of Archimandrite? His unswerving struggles for the defence of the rights of the Holy Great Church of Christ? The first pan-Orthodox Conferences in preparation for the Holy and Great  ... read more