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cirillo-pasqua-2009Trying dialogue in the Orthodox world, in the run-up and in preparation to the “Great pan-Orthodox Council”. Yesterday, the Patriarch’s Palace at the Kremlin, in Moscow, hosted the meeting of the leaders of the Orthodox Churches of Russia, Georgia, Poland, the Czech lands and Slovakia, as well as the delegates of the Patriarchs of Antioch, Romania and Bulgaria. The meeting was chaired by His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia. The leaders of the local Orthodox Churches had gone to Moscow to celebrate the 65th anniversary of Patriarch Kirill, escorted by the metropolitan bishop Hilarion, President of the Department for External Relations of the Patriarchate. During the meeting – as stated in a release published by the Patriarchate of Moscow –, they tackled several issues that concern the “strengthening of the missionary work and social services of the Churches through a constructive cooperation with all the healthy forces of society”. “The participants expressed their solidarity with the Churches of the Middle East and the North African region, especially the Orthodox Churches of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem and Cyprus. They pledged to support those Christians who are the victims of discrimination and sometimes even veritable persecution because of their faith, such as the Orthodox Serbians in Kosovo”. In addition, they discussed the most common problems about cooperation between the Orthodox Churches and the preparation of the Great pan-Orthodox Council.

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