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Egypt: Tawadros II has been added to a people to kill list

tawadros-2-liturgyAn anonymous letter threatening the Coptic Orthodox Pope was found in a Cairo mosque this morning and the message "Egypt will remain Islamic" was written on the cathedral’s walls

vatican insider staff
rome The name of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarch Tawadros II featured at the top of a list of dozens of people to be eliminated, found in an anonymous envelope in a mosque in Cairo, Fides news agency reports. The list includes the names of President Adly Mansour and General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the current strong man of the army.

Prosecutors are looking into the credibility of the threatening letter. Meanwhile, incidents of intimidation against the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate continue to mark the difficult season experienced by Egypt, on the brink of a civil war. Warning writings were drawn on the walls of the cathedral of San Marco in Abassyia yesterday, to remind everyone that "Egypt will remain Islamic".
Last week, the Patriarchate had to deny the allegations circulating on the net regarding the Patriarch’s alleged death. At the beginning of July the Patriarch suspended his weekly public catechesis, usually held in the cathedral, for security reasons.

Meanwhile, Patriarch Tawadros has sent a message of congratulations to the Egyptian Muslims and around the world on the occasion of the feast of Eid al-Fitr which ends the fasting month of Ramadan, wishing him all "goodness, joy and peace."

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